Chat Hyperlink Option from Rumbletalk

Chat Hyperlink is the most vital point to think about. It is scalable, reliable and affordable. You will complete solutions for such hyperlink options. RumbleTalk offers you complete solutions for Chat Hyperlink that will provide you such precise solutions. You will get chat in text highlighted keywords that will automatically link a predefined word to a page or document.

You can set words or phrases to point to a special URL on the web. It is the most advanced option that allow you to direct your users to where you want them to be from URL to PDF, video to affiliate link to anything else.

Not to mention the hosted chat service that will take burden off your servers. RumbleTalk use the latest cloud technology to ensure a fast, reliable chat room experience.

Some added benefits that you will get include, but not limited to no servers, no maintenance, state of the art service, SSL secure connection, set moderators & privileges and antiSpam - word blacklist. You will also get save and export chat room history, Intext keywords feature and In chat Keywords.

Private WebRTC one-on-one video and audio calls, Record and share short video & audio messages and Add documents, presentations, PDFs and images are some of the added benefits that you will get. Chat hyperlink option eases your chat and provide you an access to send files and documents instantly.


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